Barabas, Chelsea. 2023. Care as (re)capture: Data colonialism and race during times of crisis. New Media & Society, 0(0).
Barabas, Chelsea. 2022. “Refusal in Data Ethics: Re-Imagining the Code Beneath the Code of Computation in the Carceral State.” Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 8(2): 35–57.
Barabas, Chelsea. 2020. Beyond Bias: Re-imagining the Terms of "Ethical AI" in Criminal Law, 12 Geo. J. L. Mod. Critical Race Persp. 2.
Presentation: Beyond Algorithmic Reform: Re-imagining the Role of AI and Statistical Discourse in Criminal Law
Barabas et al. 2020. “Studying up: reorienting the study of algorithmic fairness around issues of power.” In Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 167–176.
Barabas et al. 2018. Interventions Over Predictions: Reframing the Ethical Debate for Actuarial Risk Assessment. In Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* ‘18). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY.
Barabas, Chelsea. 2019, Invited talk at NeurIPS, Contextualizing AI Within The History of Exploitation and Innovation In Medical Research
Public Advocacy and Popular Press
Surveillance Isn’t Safety: How Communities Are Re-imagining Safety in School
To Build a Better Future, Designers Need to Start Saying ‘No’
Open Letter: Abolish the Tech-to-Prison Pipeline
Open Letter to AG Barr re: The Use of PATTERN risk assessment in prioritizing release in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Open Letter: Technical Flaws of Pretrial Risk Assessments Raise Grave Concerns
NYT Op-Ed: The Problems With Risk Assessment Tools
Podcast: How to Balance AI and Criminal Justice
Bitcoin and the Myth of Decentralization: Socio-technical Proposals for Restoring Network Integrity
Defending Internet Freedom Through Decentralization: Back to the Future?
Decentralized Social Networks Sound Great. Too Bad They'll Never Work.
Bitcoin's Rise in African Markets is Driven by an Old Russian Ponzi Scheme
Presentation: Patient Centered Health on the Blockchain
Pathways to Prosperity in the 21st Century
Transforming Chaos into Clarity: The Promises and Challenges of Digital Credentialing
Presentation: Redefining "The Best" in Hiring and Recruitment in Tech